Monday 20 January 2014

Si En's Weaning Diary: Rice Cereal

I delayed her weaning even though she had obtained the pd's clearance at 4mths old that she could have started on semi solids.  Partly because we were intending to bring her travelling at taiwan when she was 5mths old.  Also I felt that there was no rush to let her start on semi solids since I was enjoying the convenience of breastfeeding and a lighter diaperbag. Haha!

I guess for most of us we'll start the weaning journey with cereals, but with so many types and brands of cereals we'll probably be too overwhelmed by what to choose and give. 
Generally I'll usually follow my guideline of organic food, especially since she just started trying the food and also of the convenience of getting organic food in small amounts too since its so expensive!

I started out with Bellamy's rice cereal:

I would prefer to start on rice cereals for the following reasons:
- Provides the necessary iron as its iron-fortified
- Less allergenic
- Easily digested
- Easy to blend with milk or formula 
I tried before Nestle's rice cereal too, but I didnt give it to Si en as I found it too sweet for my taste buds.
In Singapore we could usually request for samples during food fairs, and bb fairs so you might want to collect samples or email the manufacturers for some samples that both you and your baby could taste or try before you get the full packet.

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